About Us Corporate Governance

Basic Views on Corporate Governance

The ID Group perceives “increasing corporate value in an ongoing manner” to be of top priority in its management. With this in main, we are working steadily to improve our corporate governance and monitoring functions in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. Assurance of transparency and soundness through the separation of management and execution
  2. Speedy decision-making and execution of business
  3. Clarification of accountability
  4. Prompt and appropriate/fair disclosure of information

To achieve corporate governance of the highest quality, the Board of Directors of the ID Group has instituted and published the Corporate Governance Guidelines, which it enforces rigorously. For details about the status of corporate governance at ID Holdings and in the ID Group, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report.

Corporate Governance System

The ID Group is organized as a company with a Board of Auditors. In addition, to realize effective and efficient management, the Group has organized and supports the following systems.

Overview of Governance System

Board of Directors

In addition to making decisions on critical business and legal matters in accordance with laws and regulations, such as the ID Group’s Mid-Term Management Plan and fiscal year business plans, the Board of Directors supervises the execution of duties by the Directors and builds an internal control system for the entire Group. The Board consists of seven members: President, Representative Director and Group CEO, who sits as chairperson of the Board, the Executive Vice President and Representative Director, the Executive Corporate Officer and Director, as well as four independent Outside Directors.

【Skill Matrix and Diversity of the Board of Directors】

Board of Auditors

The ID Group is organized as a company with a Board of Auditors. The Board of Auditors is composed of one Standing Statutory Auditor, who is thoroughly familiar with the operations of the Group, and three Outside Statutory Auditors, who possess a high degree of specialized expertise and a wealth of experience. The Board of Auditors works closely with the Internal Audit Office, which works under the direct supervision of the President, and the accounting auditors, to audit the Directors’ and Executive Officers’ execution of their duties, audit the management and assets of the Group, and provide other vital oversight services.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee serves as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. It consists of seven individuals: one Independent Outside Director, who chairs the Committee, and six Independent Outside Officers. This Committee deliberates from an independent perspective on matters such as the nomination of candidates for Director and Statutory Auditor, Directors’ remuneration, and the appointment and dismissal of senior management personnel, and reports its findings to the Board of Directors.

Executive Committee

As an advisory body to the Board of Directors, the 14-member Management Committee, consisting primarily of board members, extensively engages in open and vigorous discussions on critical business matters, such as M&A, investments, and capital and business alliances.

Group Risk Management Committee

This Committee is an advisory body to the Board of Directors. Chaired by the President, Representative Director and Group CEO, its other members are the members of the Board of Directors, the Corporate Officers, the Presidents of each Group company and related officers and employees. The Group Risk Management Committee is tasked with uncovering risk phenomena (focusing on three major risks: management and finance; personnel, labor and social matters and trends generally; and operational matters at individual business units) and deliberating on and examining solutions to them.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee, whose members include the President, Representative Director and Group CEO, prepares action plans to resolve sustainability issues and monitors progress on their execution.