Sustainability Sustainability Policy

Basic Sustainability Policy

At ID Group Holdings and our Group companies, our corporate philosophy mission is to "create an exciting ( waku-wakuロゴ ) future for everyone." Based on this, we aim to realize a sustainable society through our business activities.

1. Realize an Earth-friendly Society

  • We act with an awareness of protecting the global environment in order to preserve the Earth for coming generations.
  • Through the provision of solutions and services, we strive to reduce the environmental burden of society as a whole.
  • We carry out support activities for improvement of the natural environment.

2. Create a Safe and Secure Social Infrastructure

  • We work to resolve social issues through the provision of IT services, creating social value.
  • We promote diversity and inclusion, develop human resources, and strive to support diverse work styles and work environments.
  • We respect human rights in all of our corporate activities.

3. Build and Maintain Good Relationships with Stakeholders

  • We realize highly transparent and reliable corporate governance through dialogue with stakeholders.
  • We promote prompt, appropriate, and fair disclosure of information.
  • We strive to increase our corporate value by providing high-quality services.

Sustainability Promotion System

In order to promote sustainability management across the entire Group, the ID Group has established a Sustainability Committee for the proactive discussion and consideration of specific initiatives related to sustainability issues.

The President, Representative Director and Group CEO and other members of this committee are engaged in drafting implementation plans for sustainability issues within the Group as well as monitoring progress. In addition, the Board of Directors receives reports from the Sustainability Committee on the content of its discussions and carries out debates and supervision related to the Group's handling policies, implementation plans, and other measures for sustainability issues.

For information about the positioning of the Sustainability Committee in the corporate governance system, see "About Us > Corporate Governance."

Mindset and Initiatives


In order to promote sustainability management across the entire Group, the Group has established a structure for proactive discussion and consideration of specific initiatives and policies related to sustainability issues such as climate change and human capital issues.

The Sustainability Committee, which is composed of the President, Representative Director and Group CEO and other committee members, is engaged in drafting implementation plans for sustainability issues within the Group as well as monitoring progress. In addition, the Board of Directors receives reports from the Sustainability Committee on the content of its discussions and carries out debates and supervision related to the Group's handling policies, implementation plans, and other measures for sustainability issues.


The Group included SDGs strategy in its Mid-term Management Plan and has determined the following as high-priority important issues (materialities) within current social problems and mega-trends. By building a Value Creation Ecosystem over the recirculation cycle, we will strive to resolve issues.

Value Creation Ecosystem

Important Issues (Materialities)

  • Advances in digital transformation (DX) in a variety of fields
  • Acceleration of globalization
  • Diversity
  • Labor shortage
  • Regional revitalization
  • Intensifying demands for privacy
  • Sophistication of cyberattack threats
  • Considerations for global environmental problems such as climate change
  • Increased importance of labor practices and health management
  • Intensifying societal demand for fair and appropriate trades
  • Intensifying demand for respecting human rights
  • Promotion of personnel training

For details on important issues (materialities), see "Materialities."

Risk Management

We are aware that all kinds of risks related to the environment and society can have tremendous impacts on corporate sustainability and medium- to long-term corporate value. In response to these risks, the Group Risk Management Committee chaired by the President, Representative Director and Group CEO carries out identification, evaluation, and management of risk events affecting the Group as a whole, including the important issues (materialities) determined by the Sustainability Committee, and reports to the Board of Directors.

For details on risk management, see "Sustainability > Corporate Governance."