Sustainability Health Management

Health Management


Health Management Policy

At the ID Group, we believe people are our greatest asset. Our people are our key to maximizing competitive strength and achieving sustainable growth.

To achieve its mission of “dedication to the creation of an exciting ( ) future for everyone,” the Group needs vigorous and motivated employees who are healthy in mind and body. For this reason the Group recognizes the importance of health management as a vital management issue.

  • We are striving to achieve both physical and mental health
  • The Company, health-insurance associations and employee representatives are working together to support employees’ physical and mental health
  • The Company enthusiastically supports efforts to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of employees and their families
  • Our employees pay attention to their own health and strive to maintain and improve it on their own initiative
  • By practicing health management, we uphold the sustainable development of the Company

Masaki Funakoshi
President and Representative Director
ID Holdings Corporation


The Group has established departments and sections advancing health management. By working closely with industrial physicians, we are making various efforts to maintain the good health of all employees.

3.Numerical targets for overall health management

The Group considers the labor function index to be an important indicator for improving employee productivity.

According to the fiscal 2020 survey, the presenteeism index (Note 1) of the Group’s employees was an average of 91% for the entire company. Based on this result, we have set a future goal of 95%. We aim to achieve this goal by extracting problems and issues for each department, and creating and executing an action plan.

Additionally, according to the employee satisfaction survey conducted in 2019, 80% of respondents answered that “I am proud or somewhat proud of my work and duties.” This is an increase from the 77% in the 2013 survey. Similarly, 91% of respondents answered that “I believe or somewhat believe that we are a trusted company/Group,” which is an increase from the 87% of the 2013 survey. Moving forward, we will continue to improve work engagement (Note 2).

Note 1: Presenteeism index…A state in which performance does not improve due to physical and mental health problems, despite attending work.

Note 2: Work engagement… A positive and fulfilling psychological state for work

4.Status of employees

(as of March 31, 2023)

Total Men Women
Average years of service 16.4 years 17.5 years 13.2 years
Average age 42.8 years old 43.5 years old 40.7years old

5.Health themes/initiatives

Health Management Strategy Map

We have created a Health Management Strategy Map from health themes that will lead to the resolution of management issue. We are grasping specific initiatives and connections regarding the expected effects and the promotion of health maintenance. In this way we are promoting health management.

Robust mental health

In order to create a happy living environment and a comfortable working environment for all employees, we are working to improve mental health by rectifying any problems that may occur. We have also set up consultation desks inside and outside our company and are careful about maintaining privacy.

Promotion of work-life balance

Harmony between work and private life helps maintain a balanced mind and body for our employees. The Group promotes a work-life balance so that all employees can spend meaningful time with people important to them.

Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases

The prevention of lifestyle-related diseases is essential for our employees to lead healthy lives. We are working to prevent lifestyle-related diseases and to help improve the health of employees who face a variety of risks related to obesity, blood pressure, blood sugar, smoking, and other risks associated with lifestyle-related diseases.

Initiatives for women’s health

The Group holds annual seminars on health issues specific to women.
Women account for 24% of the Group’s employees. We strive to create a work environment where these women can perform to the best of their ability.

Numerical targets for overall health management

Many of our employees are permanently stationed at our Customer System Center. Accordingly, we consider disease prevention and health management to be important themes from the perspective of business continuity.

This time, as part of measures against COVID-19, we cooperated with industrial physicians to hold vaccinations together with other companies. Vaccinations were given over a total of six days, once in late August 2021 and once in late September 2021. A total of 621 people (including Group employees, family members, and employees of partner companies) contributed to business continuity by receiving two vaccinations.

6.Status of initiatives related to issues

Mental health care

The Group classifies mental health care into four categories. We have constructed roles for each category, and are taking continuous and systematic action.

1 Self-care
It is important for each employee to possess a good understanding of stress and mental health care. The Group conducts stress checks at a high level of 90% or more every year. The implementation rate for stress checks was 99.7% in fiscal 2018, 94.6% in fiscal 2019, and 97.5% in fiscal 2020. By having employees undergo stress checks once per year, we strive for early identification of any mental health problems which are difficult to identify.

Target Results
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Hold stress checks at least once per year Implementation rate: 94.6% Implementation rate: 97.5% Implementation rate: 98.0%

2 Line care
In order to make sure that there is no decline of mental health in the workplace, we strive to ensure that supervisors pay attention to warning signs from subordinates through communication with managers, and to achieve early detection and early response for mental health issues. Training is through education for each rank. Training was held 9 times in fiscal 2018, 8 times in fiscal 2019, and 7 times in fiscal 2020. Every year, we design special training content to ensure that managers are able to recognize any decline in the mental health of subordinates.

Target Results
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Education for each rank Training: Held 8 times
No. of participants: 190
Training: Held 7 times
No. of participants: 205
Training: Held 8 times
No. of participants: 258
Rate of questionnaire comprehension 83% 85% 90%

3 Care by human resources and labor management staff
Human resources and labor management staff work with industrial physicians and the Health Committee to formulate plans for mental health care. Additionally, our staff conducts activities such as network formation with external specialized institutions, response to consultation, and support for employees returning to work. The Group implemented a return-to-work program for 11 employees in fiscal 2019, 12 in fiscal 2020, and 10 in fiscal 2021.

Target Results
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Implementation of return-to-work programs No. of employees: 11 No. of employees: 12 No. of employees: 10

4 Care from external resources
For problems that are difficult to deal with or solve, we utilize external medical specialists and specialized institutions in an effort to make the maximum possible improvements.
We are encouraging non-smoking by joining a consortium of companies that promote non-smoking.
The ID Group is targeting a smoking rate of 12% among our employees.

Promotion of work-life balance

In order to maintain a healthy life and work environment for employees, the Group promotes work-life balance by reducing overtime work and encouraging the active taking of paid leave. In fiscal 2022, we reduced overtime work by 11.4 hours per month, and achieved an 86.0% rate for paid leave taken (compared to the target of 95%).

Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases

We conduct health examinations for all employees, provide health guidance by specialists, take measures against second-hand smoke, and hold seminars to deepen understanding regarding the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. At the seminar held in July 2019 with the goal of reducing the number of employees requiring health guidance, 170 employees were reduced from employees eligible for health guidance. The Group will continue to hold seminars and work to reduce the number.

Target Results
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020
1 Ratio of undergoing periodic health examinations 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
2 Reduction in number of employees requiring health guidance 163 employees 170 employees 90 employees
Participation ratio: 100% 77.0% 80.6% 86.7%
3 Reduce employee smoking rate to 12% by FY2022 27.1% 22.4% 21.7%
4 Hold at least once per year Started initiatives from FY2019 Seminar: Held in July Seminar: Held in September

Initiatives for women's health

In addition to prevention and countermeasures for women's unique health issues that change according to life stage, the Group holds annual seminars to acquire and understand basic knowledge and information for good health.

Information on employee health

The Group publishes data on the health of all employees. For health examinations, we digitize results based on information from various perspectives such as employee stress checks and exercise habit rates. We strive to maintain a healthy life-work balance for our employees through measures such as specific health guidance and health literacy training.

ID Target FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Ratio of undergoing periodic health examinations 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Ratio of undergoing follow-up examinations 100.0% 65.0% 57.0% 44.5%
Ratio of receiving specific health guidance 100.0% 97.2% 86.7% 79.9%
Obesity ratio (BMI of 25 or higher) 20% 27.8% 31.0% 32.7%
Ratio of undergoing stress checks 100.0% 94.6% 97.0% 98.0%
Ratio of high stress levels found during stress checks 15.0% 18.4% 12.0% 2.4%
Smoking ratio 12.0% 19.7% 21.8% 18.5%
Ratio of habitual exercisers 50.0% 38.8% 37.1% 41.0%
Health literacy training 5 times 8 times 10 times 11 times

7.External evaluation/certification


Health Management


At the ID Group, we believe people are our greatest asset. Our people are our key to maximizing competitive strength and achieving sustainable growth.
To achieve its mission of “dedication to the creation of an exciting ( ) future for everyone,” the Group needs vigorous and motivated employees who are healthy in mind and body. For this reason the Group recognizes the importance of health management as a vital management issue.
We are striving to achieve both physical and mental health.
The Company, health-insurance associations and employee representatives are working together to support employees’ physical and mental health.

The Company enthusiastically supports efforts to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of employees and their families.
Our employees pay attention to their own health and strive to maintain and improve it on their own initiative.
By practicing health management, we uphold the sustainable development of the Company.

Promotion of working-style reform

In order to reduce overtime, the ID Group sets targets for each division and manages the achievement of targets on a monthly basis. Furthermore, when reduction targets have been met or exceeded, our Group has an incentive system which incorporates the achievement level when evaluating salary bonuses.
The ID Group has also introduced a flextime system and work-at-home system to support various working styles among our employees.

Telework questionnaire

In response to the spread of diverse work styles, we conducted a questionnaire in August 2021 of all employees regarding measures within our company.

5 points perfect score
  Level of satisfaction
In-house satellite office 3.50
Satellite office 3.76
Telework measures 3.18
Communication tools 3.70
Stress control 3.38
Appropriate measures by the Company 3.48
Response by supervisors 3.71
Understanding of individual roles 3.96
Internal communication as a company 3.47
Connection with coworkers 3.17
Conversations about work issues 3.90
Support for working conditions 3.70
The questionnaire results will be shared by all department managers in order to further promote diverse work styles and improve work engagement.

Occupational Health and Safety System / Management System for Health, Labor, Safety, and Hygiene

The ID Group has created Health and Safety Management Rules. Based on these rules, the Group has established a Health Committee, appoints managers in charge of overall health and safety, health managers (or health promoters), and industrial physicians, strives to ensure workplace safety, and strives to maintain/improve employee health.
The Group has also established procedures, a structure, and operation methods for the Health Committee System, and has defined items requiring investigation and deliberation. The Health Committee meets monthly. Minutes from the meeting are shared with employees via the Company intranet.

Initiatives for Occupation Health and Safety / Health Management

The ID Group cooperates with industrial physicians and external counselors in order to manage employee health. Stress checks for employees are held every year, including at overseas offices. In 2018, a total of 1,865 employees responded to the stress checks, meaning that the response rate was 99.7%. Although the overall standard deviation did not reach the average, it improved by 0.7% points YoY, indicating an improvement in employee health. Employees diagnosed with high stress were provided with physician consultations and introduced to external counselors.
In addition to encouraging employees to undergo medical examinations and follow-up examinations as necessary, we prohibit smoking during working hours and encourage employees to use the stairs up to the second floor. Through these initiatives, we seek to promote employee health.

Holding labor-management dialogue


In the ID Group, the President, directors, officers, senior managers, and employee representatives gather together twice a year in order to hold Employee Representative Conferences.

  • December 3, 2018 Joint conference for ID and Fess (21 company representatives and 39 employee representatives)
    Message from the President, transition to a holding-company structure, amendments to the Labor Standards Act, Q&A session
  • May 29, 2018 Joint conference for ID and Fess (25 company representatives and 39 employee representatives)
    Message from the President, transition to a holding-company structure, amendment of the Temporary Staffing Service Law, role of employee representatives, 36 Agreements, Q&A session
  • November 29, 2017 ID (14 company representatives and 36 employee representatives)
    Message from the President, indefinite-term employment, year-end adjustments, company housing rules, harassment rules, appropriate assessment of working hours, Q&A session