Sustainability Social

Human Rights Policy

The ID Group has positioned “Dedication to the creation of an exciting future for everyone” as part of our corporate philosophy “IDentity.”

In order to achieve sustainable growth of society and the exciting future envisioned by our Group in the midst of increased globalization, we recognize that respect for human rights must be a prerequisite in all of our business activities. In April 2019, the ID Group established the following Human Rights Policy in order to further strengthen initiatives for respecting human rights.

ID Group Human Rights Policy

ID Group’s philosophy for respecting human rights

The ID Group recognizes the possibility that our various business activities, products, and services will have a wide range of effects on the human rights of our stakeholders.

In addition to respecting and supporting the international norms on human rights listed below and establishing the ID Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, “the Policy”), we comply with the Policy during operations in all countries where we conduct business.

  • 「International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights)」
  • 「ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work」
  • 「The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact」
  • 「United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights」


The Policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees at the ID Group.

Top management at the ID Group fulfills a leading role in implementing the Policy.

Furthermore, we expect business partners involved in ID Group operations and all other clients to support the contents of the Policy and act in accordance with the Policy. Accordingly, the Group works to raise awareness and ensure compliance for the Policy among our partners and clients.

Position of the Policy

The Policy supplements the ID Group’s corporate philosophy “IDentity” and indicates specific initiatives for respecting human rights at the ID Group.

The Policy was created by incorporating the expert recommendations of external parties and was approved by the Board of Directors at INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 

Commitment to respecting human rights

The ID Group complies with the items listed below. The Group shall not violate any of the human rights of our many stakeholders who are affected by the business activities of the Group. If human rights are adversely affected in any way, the Group shall work to implement appropriate and responsible measures.

  1. We shall respect the fundamental human rights of our stakeholders in all business activities. We shall never engage in any form of discrimination or human rights violations based on race, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, creed, nationality, birthplace, social origin and social identity, property, disabilities, sexual orientation, etc.
  2. We shall comply with the legal systems in all countries and regions where we conduct business activities. If the standards in certain countries or regions differ from international human rights standards, we shall strive to respect the higher of the standards.
  3. In addition to our own business activity areas, we shall not tolerate any form of forced labor or child labor throughout the entire value chain.
  4. Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we shall implement human rights due diligence in order to identify, evaluate, prevent, and reduce an adverse effects on human rights due to our business activities.
  5. We shall engage in dialogue and discussion with related stakeholders in order to appropriate ascertain and respond to effects on human rights.
  6. In addition to raising awareness for the Policy among all directors, officers, and employees, we shall provide education sessions on respecting human rights.
  7. We shall strive to promote equal opportunity in the work place, and shall promote diversity and inclusion.
  8. We shall strive to create a comfortable workplace by considering the safety and health of employees.

that's all

System for Promoting Respect for Human Rights

The organizations listed below fulfill a leading role in promoting initiatives throughout the entire ID Group. While clarifying problems, the two departments cooperate to promote initiatives for respecting human rights.

  • Legal and Compliance Department:In charge of overall compliance and overall harassment issues
  • Human Resources Department:In charge of overall human rights and overall labor issues

Establishment of a consultation and whistleblowing contact

The ID Group has established consultation and whistleblowing contacts in regards to compliance violations including human rights. There are separate contacts for internal use and use outside the Group. We guarantee the confidentiality of consulters and whistleblowers. We also guarantee that consulters and whistleblowers will not be subject to disadvantageous treatment.

Holding human rights education

The ID Group holds Compliance Study Sessions twice per year for ID Group employees (including directors, officers, part-time employees, and part-time workers) and partners (employees of other companies stationed at the ID Group). These Sessions include training on human rights. Contents of the Sessions held in recent years are listed below.

FY2021 Second Half Compliance Study Session

Attendance record: Total of 3,982 employees from ID Group (all officers and employees except those on leave)

  • ID Group Human Rights Policy and SDGs
    Human Rights and LGBT/SOGI

FY2020 Second Half Compliance Study Session

Attendance record: Total of 3,682 employees from ID Group (all officers and employees except those on leave)

  • Remote harassment
    Cases of harassment during telework and prevention methods

Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2019

Attendance: Total of 3,542 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave) Training themes related to human rights (harassment)

  • Harassment related to vacation time for pregnancy, childbirth, child-raising, nursing care for the elderly, etc.

Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2018

Attendance: Total of 3,660 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave) Training themes related to human rights

  • LGBT
  • Sexual harassment

Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2017

Attendance: Total of 3,776 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave) Training themes related to human rights (harassment)

  • Harassment related to vacation time for pregnancy, childbirth, child-raising, nursing care for the elderly, etc.
  • Power harassment
  • Sexual harassment

Holding an employee awareness survey

The ID Group plans to hold a CSR questionnaire in April 2019 targeting all employees of Group companies, including overseas companies. The questionnaire will be used to gather opinions related to overall CSR, including human rights. The survey results will be used to improve future initiatives.

Stakeholder Engagement

With "we are an information service company dedicated to the creation of an exciting (Waku-Waku) future for everyone" as our management mission, we strive to realize a sustainable society together with all stakeholders, including employees.

Stakeholder Main Involvement Related Page
Shareholders and investors ・Determining information disclosure structure, standards, and methods for listing on the Company website
・Holding regular explanation sessions and IR meetings for investors and analysts
・Implementing Company explanations personally delivered by the President, Representative Director and Group CEO and posting IR materials on the Company website
IR Basic Policy
Customers ・Determining a customer satisfaction (CS) policy, implementing customer satisfaction surveys
・Declaring the Company's commitment to building a partnership
Society > Customer Satisfaction (CS)
Local society ・Carrying out diverse social contribution activities
・Promoting local hiring
Society > Participation in the community and community growth
Employees ・Holding regular "Assembly for Conversation with the President" events to provide a space for managers and employees to communicate
・Implementing training with the missions of spreading corporate philosophy and cultivating the next generation of leaders (President’s Special School)

Customer Satisfaction (CS)

CS (Customer Satisfaction) Policy

Guidelines *Excerpt

Improved customer satisfaction
The ID Group strives to further improve the quality of products, services, etc., consigned from our customers. We seek to exist as a corporation that is worthy of the true trust of our customers.

CS (Customer Satisfaction) Promotion System

CS (Holding a CS (Customer Satisfaction)) Survey

【Excerpt from the Guidelines for Holding a Customer Satisfaction Survey】
The ID Group conducts surveys (gathers information) on the degree of fulfillment for customer needs spanning from the stage of proposals to customers to the stage of delivery/provision of the consigned products or services. The Group seeks to improve our quality level by analyzing survey results, correcting the extracted issues, and making continuous improvements.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys are held by the Business Process Reengineering Department, which is the organization in charge of quality control in each business division. Every year, each division sets target values for customer satisfaction and works to improve customer satisfaction.

After-sales service

In the unlikely event that a defect, etc., occurs after delivery of a product or service, the ID Group provides appropriate after-sales service in accordance with the contents of each individual contract.

Information security management

Information security management policy

ID Group will endeavor to appropriately manage information assets such as important information, confidential information, and personal information entrusted to us by our customers and business partners.

Information security management system

In order to properly process information assets, the Group has an information security management system in place. We manage it smoothly by building an appropriate management system for various information assets.

Response to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The ID Group implements the following response to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  1. Create internal rules related to the GDPR
  2. Create forms related to the GDPR
  3. Hold internal audits of representative offices in the EU, including confirmation for the status of compliance with GDPR
  4. Engage in strict application of rules for protecting personal information in Japan, including at representative offices in the EU(compliance with requirements for Privacy Mark)
  5. Hold employee education related to the GDPR

Participation in the community and community growth

Basic concept

With the goal of creating a society in which there is mutual respect and support among set of people diverse people, the ID Group conducts social contribution activities while focusing on communicating with the community and coexisting with society.

Based in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture, AI Factory Co., Ltd. was established in 2014 as an ID Group company with the goal of promoting the employment of people with disabilities. AI Factory was certified as a special subsidiary in 2016. The company grows leafy vegetables using an agricultural style with LED lighting and a hydroponic plant factory.

AI Factory was established by renovating an elementary school that had been closed in the Aoya-cho neighborhood of Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture. Currently, about twenty employees work at the company.

AI Factory cultivates a wide range of vegetables from familiar lettuce, basil, and arugula to rare vegetables such as ice plant, a halophyte native to South Africa, and mustard greens, an herb which tastes like wasabi.

Ice plants absorb salt and are said to be effective against diabetes. The ice plants grown at AI Factory are cultivated in Tottori seawater. When eaten, ice plant has an invigorating and refreshing salty flavor that will flow throughout your mouth.

In addition to being sold locally, crops grown at AI Factory are also used at restaurants, etc., in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

By supporting the working style of diverse employees and embracing new challenges every day, AI Factory seeks to exist as a company which contributes to society.

Noufuku JAS Certification

AI FACTORY CO., LTD. has acquired Noufuku JAS Certification.

What is Noufuku JAS?
Unlike brands centered on production areas and varieties, this Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) recognizes the social value behind products based on agricultural and welfare cooperation(*). Noufuku JAS was established in 2019.

This standard, which finds value in non-uniformity, is expected to help realize a prosperous co-existence society in which people accept the diversity of themselves and others. The standard will lead to an improvement in the working environment for people with disabilities, as well as their independence.

AI FACTORY CO., LTD. obtained this certification on December 15, 2021.
*Agricultural and welfare cooperation: Efforts to realize social participation with confidence and motivation through the active participation of people with disabilities in the agricultural field

Website regarding Noufuku JAS by the Japan Fund:

Acquired JGAP certification

AI FACTORY CO., LTD. has acquired JGAP certification. 

JGAP (Japan Good Agricultural Practice) is one of the agricultural production process management methods recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. This certification is given to farms that implement measures to ensure food safety, environmental conservation, occupational safety, and other important concepts. AI FACTORY CO., LTD. started preparations to acquire certification from 2018. After taking measures such as acquiring JGAP instructor qualification, improving and reviewing the workplace environment, holding thorough employee education, and improving overall production process management, etc., AI FACTORY acquired this certification on June 27, 2019.

We will continue to strive to realize important concepts such as food safety and environmental conservation.

Support for employee volunteer activities

The Group has established a volunteer leave system so that employees can participate in volunteer activities in the fields of environmental conservation and disaster relief. We enable employees to concentrate on volunteer activities by providing support such as transportation expenses and accommodation expenses incurred during volunteer activities. We also plan and manage activities to solve many issues faced by society.

November 2023: Odaiba Beach Cleanup Activity


November 2021: East Lake Cleaning Activity (ID Wuhan)


October 2022: Aoya Beach Volunteer Cleaning (AI FACTORY)


Promotion of local employment

In November 2020, we relocated a portion of our head office operations to Tottori Prefecture.

The Group has formulated a New Normal Adaptation Project and is promoting business process reengineering utilizing the Sanin Department in order to avoid the risk of concentration in Tokyo head office and to improve productivity.

Furthermore, the Group has established the ID Cloud Managed Center in Sanin. Here, we are working to expand our system operation and monitoring business using the cloud and remote operations, and as well as our contract business for software development.

Technical development and entrepreneurial support

Cooperation and support with Keio University

INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. has positioned the cybersecurity field as our core business. In order to achieve even greater performance in the field, we have formed an agreement for sharing technical information, etc., with the SS Lab at Keio University. The laboratory conducts advanced research on the cybersecurity field and data center OS technology. Moving forward, our Company and the SS Lab will strive together to discover cybersecurity solutions both in Japan and globally.

Support for education

Support for a Nuns’ School in Myanmar

In 2019 the ID Group began supporting a nuns’ school in Myanmar, which is the base country of one of our Group overseas companies. At Thandi Thuka, the organization receiving the support, orphans from primary-school to high-school age receive room and board while attending an adjacent school. Although Thandi Thuka is certified by the Myanmarese government, it is run on donations from Buddhist temples and the regional community. The ID Group supplies the nuns’ school with food and educational materials and supports the teachers’ salaries. Through these and other initiatives, the ID Group will continue to support the education of children, who are the foundation of our future.


Operation of a school for cultivating engineers in Myanmar

INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT MYANMAR CO., LTD. cultivates IT engineers. Myanmar employees were introduced on NHK World-Japan

Sponsorship and support of JCIOI

The Group sponsors and supports the Japanese Committee for the International Olympiad in Informatics (JCIOI), which is a specified NPO.

This organization hosts the Japanese Olympiad in Informatics and is implementing various projects to contribute to education in mathematical information science, with a focus on the project of dispatching Japanese national team competitors to the International Olympiad in Informatics.

One of the purposes of the International Olympiad in Informatics is to raise interest in informatics and computing science. Another important purpose is to bring together in a single location the exceptionally talented students from different countries and regions, and provide them with a place to share their scientific and cultural experiences with each other.

The Group endorses these activities and contributes to the discovery and development of valuable human resources who will lead the future development of society.

Support for cultivation of the next generation by Professor Iwamiya (Shimane University)

The ID Group supports the research of the clinical psychologist Keiko Iwamiya, who works on the frontlines of psychotherapy in order to research the healthy emotional growth of children living in an era of declining birthrate in japan, as well as issues confronting adults who are involved in the emotional growth of those children.

In July 2017, Iwamiya participated in a case study meeting relating to emotional care following a disaster. The meeting was held at a hospital in a disaster area of the Kumamoto earthquakes. According to on-site staff, sandplay therapy (*) sets purchased using donations from the ID Group were actively used and were effective in providing emotional care.

*Sandplay therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is widely used for clinical psychology activities in various fields including psychological counseling, legal clinical activities, treatment at psychiatric departments, pediatric departments, etc., and educational activities at schools, etc. Sandplay therapy sets are used by having the patient freely create miniature scenes within a box, thereby expressing themselves and playing without inhibition under the observation of a therapist.

Tottori Prefectural Fund for Cultivating Future Human Resources

The Group makes donations to the Tottori Prefectural Fund for Cultivating Future Human Resources to support the development of local human resources. Tottori Prefecture established the Tottori Prefectural Fund for Cultivating Future Human Resources in cooperation with industry. The prefecture has established a system to subsidize the repayment of scholarships by university students and graduates who are employed in Tottori Prefecture, and it promotes and supports the securing of human resources who will fulfill a leading role in the future.


Computer workshop for the elderly

The ID Group holds computer classes for the elderly. The classes feature easy-to-understand explanations of computer operation and help the elderly become more familiar with computers. Classes are held as part of the computer workshop for the elderly which is held every year by Chiyoda Ward.

University support in China (scholarship systems, research support)

In September 2006, the ID Group established a scholarship system to support students in China for whom it is difficult to enroll at university due to economic circumstances. During the more than ten years since then, we have granted scholarships to many students as part of our philanthropy initiatives.

As a corporate citizen based in Wuhan region of China, we will further strengthen our positive relationships with the local community through a variety of activities including scholarships.

・Established a scholarship system at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology
In September 2006, the ID Group established a scholarship system at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The university is located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, which is one of China’s leading IT industry bases. The scholarship was established to support students for whom it is difficult to enroll at university mainly due to economic circumstances. As of FY2016, scholarships had been granted to a total of 42 students.

Accepting international students into our employee dormitory

From 2011, the ID Group has continued to accept international students into our employee dormitory. These students have come from throughout the world to study in Japan. Through this initiative, we support the Acceptance of Exchange Students in Employee Dormitories Program which was established by the Foundation of Corporate Friendship Network for Foreign Students in order to promote mutual understanding between Japan and other countries. At our employee dormitory, we hold events for interaction so that international students can have a fulfilling experience studying in Japan. The ID Group will continue to actively accept international students in the future.

Support for artistic and cultural activities

In order to enable even more people to enjoy outstanding artistic and cultural activities, the ID Group supports Tsuruga Wakasonojo XI, a master of Shinnai Joruri narrative song, who is designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property (Living National Treasure), the Spain Guitar Association of Japan(*), as well as a variety of other artistic and cultural activities.


Support for the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra

The Group supports the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra.

As one of Japan’s leading orchestras, the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra has been delivering high-quality performances to many people since its founding in 1956. Under the theme of “disseminating culture through music and sharing emotions,” the orchestra conducts activities based on its vision that a mature culture is essential to the further development of society. The orchestra’s activities mainly consists of more than 150 concerts held each year.

The Group endorses these activities and will continue to provide support in the future.


Support for artistic activities

Tsuruga Wakasonojo
In order to enable even more people to enjoy outstanding artistic and cultural activities, the ID Group supports the activities of Tsuruga Wakasonojo XI, a master of Shinnai Joruri narrative song, who is designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property (Living National Treasure), as well as the activities of the Spain Guitar Association of Japan.*

The Spain Guitar Association of Japan 
The Spain Guitar Association of Japan is a nationwide voluntary organization that has been officially recognized by the Embassy of Spain. The Association was founded in order to promote the exchange of guitar music between Japan and Spain. From 2016, the ID Group has awarded the winner of a competition held by the Association with support for travel expenses to attend summer school in Spain

Support for music activities

Social contribution through sponsorship and support

Support for the Japan Association for WFP

The Group has been supporting the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) since 2007. The WFP is the United Nations’ only food aid agency working towards a world that is free of hunger and poverty. 1 out of every 11 people in the world still lives in a situation without sufficient food. The WFP is working with the goal of breaking the chain of hunger and poverty. The Group endorses these activities and will continue to provide support in the future.


Certified as a Blood Donation Supporter Company

Scenes from the ID Group Blood Donation Day is posted on the homepage of the Japanese Red Cross Society.

The ID Group will actively cooperate in blood donation in order to stably secure the blood necessary for medical treatment.

Support for mine clearance activities

The ID Group supports activities in the Republic of Palau held by the Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS).

JMAS started activities in 2002 beginning with clearing of unexploded ordnances from Cambodia. In four countries throughout the world, JMAS handles and cooperates in the clearance of mines, unexploded ordnances, etc., to aid regions and people who suffer due to explosives, etc. JMAS also provides technical education to contribute to autonomous activities in the affected regions.

JMAS Palau is staffed by about ten people. Staff members handle on-site treatment of explosives. Although Palau has the image of a peaceful tourist destination, it was the site of fierce battles during World War Two. It is said that 2,800 tons of bombs were dropped on Palau during the war. Explosive remnants of war (ERW) have been found on more than 200 islands in Palau. Even today, the majority of those ERW still remain aboveground, underground, or in the ocean. Also, more than 30 large Japanese naval ships are sunk in the ocean near Palau.

From 2016, shallow water surveys were held to investigate the position, condition, etc., of the sunken ships. Processing of ERW in the surveyed sunken ships and shallow water areas began from 2018. In 2019, there are plans to process ERW from the Urakami Maru and perform active work to repair oil leakages from the Amatsu Maru, two Japanese naval ships that remain sunken in Malakal Bay.

The ID Group will continue to support JMAS activities for improving the marine environment.
