Sustainability The ID Group in Numbers

Related Items Tabulation
Indicator FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Recruitment Number of employees 1   2,555 2,441 2,349
Average number of years of service 2   15.0 15.7 16.4
Average age 2   41.6 42.1 42.8
Resignation rate 2   6.0% 4.6% 6.9%
Male-female wage gap 2   - - 80.5%
Initial salary of new graduates 2   From ¥215,000 From ¥215,000 From ¥226,000
Women as percentage of new hires 2 50% of hires or more 48.0% 65.1% 40.7%
Foreign nationals as percentage of new hires 2 10% of hires or more 20.0% 11.9% 27.7%
Managers as percentage of career hires 2   - 50.2% 44.2%
Personnel training Training expenses per person 2   ¥53,107 ¥61,099 ¥80,145
Number of DX engineers 2 1,800 by FY2025 1,522 1,600 1,567
Number of DX qualifications (per year) 5   443 472 315
Work-life balance Average hours of overtime work (per month) 2   10.1 10.0 11.4
Rate of uptake of paid leave 2 95.0% 83.5% 83.6% 86.0%
Rate of uptake of childcare leave 2 30% by FY2024 - 42.5% 63.6%
Rate of uptake of childcare leave among men 2 70% by FY2024 - 23.1% 42.9%
male parental leave or Childcare-related leave acquisition rate 2 100% - 65.4% 100%
Supporting diverse workstyles Rate of use of remote work (number of people) 2   - 49.5% 45.8%
Diversity & inclusion Women as percentage of workforce 1 30% by FY2024 22.2% 22.6% 23.0%
Women as percentage of directors 6
20.0% 50.0% 50.0%
Women as percentage of managers 1 30% by FY2024 13.9% 16.2% 16.3%
Foreign nationals as percentage of workforce 1 15% by FY2024 7.9% 7.9% 7.9%
Percentage of foreign nationals in managerial positions 1
- 2.3% 3.2%
Rate of employment of disabled persons 4 Statutory employment rate of 2.3% or more maintained 2.23% 2.39% 2.47%

Scope 1: All locations including overseas
Scope 2: IDHD, ID, DCM, DX
Scope 3: IDW, IDS, IDM, Amsterdam Branch, IDA
Scope 4: IDHD, ID, DCM, AF
Scope 5: ID, DX, DCM
Scope 6: IDHD