Human rights

Human Rights Polic

The ID Group has positioned “Dedication to the creation of an exciting future for everyone” as part of our corporate philosophy “IDentity.”

In order to achieve sustainable growth of society and the exciting future envisioned by our Group in the midst of increased globalization, we recognize that respect for human rights must be a prerequisite in all of our business activities. In April 2019, the ID Group established the following Human Rights Policy in order to further strengthen initiatives for respecting human rights.

ID Group Human Rights Policy

■ID Group’s philosophy for respecting human rights

 The ID Group recognizes the possibility that our various business activities, products, and services will have a wide range of effects on the human rights of our stakeholders.

 In addition to respecting and supporting the international norms on human rights listed below and establishing the ID Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, “the Policy”), we comply with the Policy during operations in all countries where we conduct business.


・「International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights)」

・「ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work」

・「The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact」

・「United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights」



  The Policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees at the ID Group.

Top management at the ID Group fulfills a leading role in implementing the Policy.

Furthermore, we expect business partners involved in ID Group operations and all other clients to support the contents of the Policy and act in accordance with the Policy. Accordingly, the Group works to raise awareness and ensure compliance for the Policy among our partners and clients.


■Position of the Policy

The Policy supplements the ID Group’s corporate philosophy “IDentity” and indicates specific initiatives for respecting human rights at the ID Group.

The Policy was created by incorporating the expert recommendations of external parties and was approved by the Board of Directors at INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 

■Commitment to respecting human rights

 The ID Group complies with the items listed below. The Group shall not violate any of the human rights of our many stakeholders who are affected by the business activities of the Group.

If human rights are adversely affected in any way, the Group shall work to implement appropriate and responsible measures.

1、We shall respect the fundamental human rights of our stakeholders in all business activities. We shall never engage in any form of discrimination or human rights violations based on race, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, creed, nationality, birthplace, social origin and social identity, property, disabilities, sexual orientation, etc.

2、We shall comply with the legal systems in all countries and regions where we conduct business activities. If the standards in certain countries or regions differ from international human rights standards, we shall strive to respect the higher of the standards.

3、In addition to our own business activity areas, we shall not tolerate any form of forced labor or child labor throughout the entire value chain.

4、Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we shall implement human rights due diligence in order to identify, evaluate, prevent, and reduce an adverse effects on human rights due to our business activities.

5、We shall engage in dialogue and discussion with related stakeholders in order to appropriate ascertain and respond to effects on human rights.

6、In addition to raising awareness for the Policy among all directors, officers, and employees, we shall provide education sessions on respecting human rights.

7、We shall strive to promote equal opportunity in the work place, and shall promote diversity and inclusion.

8、We shall strive to create a comfortable workplace by considering the safety and health of employees.


that's all

System for Promoting Respect for Human Rights

The organizations listed below fulfill a leading role in promoting initiatives throughout the entire ID Group. While clarifying problems, the two departments cooperate to promote initiatives for respecting human rights.

・Legal and Compliance Department: In charge of overall compliance and overall harassment issues

・Human Resources Department: In charge of overall human rights and overall labor issues

Establishment of a consultation and whistleblowing contact

The ID Group has established consultation and whistleblowing contacts in regards to compliance violations including human rights. There are separate contacts for internal use and use outside the Group. We guarantee the confidentiality of consulters and whistleblowers. We also guarantee that consulters and whistleblowers will not be subject to disadvantageous treatment.

Link (*Compliance page; consultation and whistleblowing contact)

Holding human rights education

The ID Group holds Compliance Study Sessions twice per year for ID Group employees (including directors, officers, part-time employees, and part-time workers) and partners (employees of other companies stationed at the ID Group). These Sessions include training on human rights. Contents of the Sessions held in recent years are listed below.

■Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2019

Attendance: Total of 3,542 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave)
Training themes related to human rights (harassment)

・Harassment related to vacation time for pregnancy, childbirth, child-raising, nursing care for the elderly, etc.

■Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2018

Attendance: Total of 3,660 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave)

Training themes related to human rights


・Sexual harassment

■Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2017

Attendance: Total of 3,776 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave)
Training themes related to human rights (harassment)

・Harassment related to vacation time for pregnancy, childbirth, child-raising, nursing care for the elderly, etc.
・Power harassment
・Sexual harassment

■  Compliance Study Session held in the second half of 2016

Attendance: Total of 3,016 employees of the ID Group (attended by all directors, officers, and employees excluding those on administrative leave)
Training themes related to human rights (employment and human rights)

・Gender discrimination
・Age discrimination
・Disability discrimination
・Nationality discrimination
・Assimilation issues

Holding an employee awareness survey

The ID Group plans to hold a CSR questionnaire in April 2019 targeting all employees of Group companies, including overseas companies. The questionnaire will be used to gather opinions related to overall CSR, including human rights. The survey results will be used to improve future initiatives.