Investor Relations Dividends

Basic Policy on Distribution of Earnings and Current-term Dividends

ID Holdings Corporation considers the return of profits to shareholders to be one of chief management priorities. The Company is making every effort to secure a strong business foundation and improve revenue stability and return on equity. Accordingly, the Company’s basic policy is to maintain appropriate distributions of profits based on business results.

The Board of Directors Meeting held on October 31, 2023 decided that the interim dividend distributed for FY2023 amounted to ¥25.00 per share. The year-end dividend is scheduled as ¥25.00 per share as well.

Also, in the current Mid-term Management Plan (FY2022 through FY2024), the Company is targeting total return ratio, which includes both dividends and purchase of treasury shares, of 50–60%.

Dividend per Share and Payout Ratio

*The Company conducted a 1.5-for-1 stock split of common stock with an effective date of July 1, 2021. Dividend per share before 2021.3,
 the recorded values are adjusted to reflect stock split above.

Hospitality Programs for Shareholders

The Company is not implementing hospitality programs for shareholders at this time.