The ID Group

What is the average age of employees at the ID group?
平The average age of our employees is 42.9 years old. (as of March 31, 2024)
What are the numbers of male and female employees in the ID Group?
The ID Group has 2,266 employees. (as of March 31, 2024)
Of those employees, 1,712 are male and 554 are female.
What does the gender ratio look like among employees at the ID group?
The ratio of female employees is 24.4 % (as of March 31, 2024)
The ID Group are aiming for a ratio of female employees of 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2029. As part of building a system for the employment of female, we are conducting training to create understanding toward female and other diverse types of employees, and to promote a mutual fusion of ideas.

Selection and Hiring

The selection flow and examination content are the same. We look forward to applicants who possess interest and expectations for the IT industry and the ID Group, regardless of whether their background is in humanities or sciences.
Is IT related certification a requirement for hiring?
Acquisition of IT certification is not a requirement for hiring. However, any certifications held will be considered as an indicator of interest/motivation in the IT industry and of results from time spent in school.
I did not study an IT-related field at school. Should I still apply?
Before our employees enter the organization, they are enrolled into an e-learning program that teaches them the necessary basics of IT. After employees enter the organization, please be assured that we will train them from the basics according to their position. Many people with a background in the humanities are active in system development (creation) and system infrastructure (connecting to network environment)!
Does the ID group hire non-Japanese employees?
The ID group welcomes applications from foreign exchange students. ID has group companies in a variety countries including China, America, Singapore and the Netherlands. Foreign workers comprise 10% of all group organizations within ID. With global expansion in mind, we are actively hiring more employees from other countries as we work toward globalization.

Positions and Work Locations

Can I request to change my position after joining the ID Group?
You may submit a request to change your position. We will make a final decision on changes to position after a comprehensive consideration of factors such as the life stage, past work achievements, future potential of each employee, and the business plan at that point in time.
Can I choose my work location? Do you transfer employees?
Our employees are often placed in client located worksites; this will be decided by the organization. Based upon the skills our employees acquire during basic training, their work locations are then decided. Work locations are mainly in the general Tokyo area, however other worksites are located in Osaka, San'in, Nagoya, Takamatsu, and many more including overseas work locations (China, the United States, Singapore, the Netherlands, etc.).
What kind of system do you use to evaluate employees?
The ID Group does not evaluate employees based on seniority. Instead, we promote and give raises to employees who take on challenges and have a track record of performance, regardless of age or years of service. We conduct fair and non-biased HR evaluation by clarifying the evaluation criteria and assigning multiple evaluators.
What kind of career path is offered by the ID Group?
In order to take maximize each employee’s interests and strengths, we offer several career paths such as management and specialists. We will also decide on work location by consulting with supervisors at each point in accordance with the life stage of employees. We have created an environment where each employee can continue to build their career over a long period of time.
How many years must I be employed in the ID Group before I have the opportunity to work abroad?
How many years must I be employed in the ID Group before I have the opportunity to work abroad? Our overseas subsidiaries mainly conduct IT related operations, sales, and recruitment. If your current position is related to the development project related done in an overseas office, there is likely a chance that you will be able to work abroad even as a young employee. Our working environment provides many opportunities for motivated employees.

Days off and Leave

Will I be requested to work on days off or work overtime?
Just like most companies, there will be times when are busier than normal or when work suddenly arises. During those times, you may be requested to work overtime or on your days off. However, such work will not be excessive. The ID group treasures work life balance. Our entire Group is working on improving productivity and reducing overtime. Specifically, supervisors ascertain the overtime hours of each employee, thereby creating a system in which work is properly allocated. Furthermore, the ability of employees to reduce overtime and increase productivity is considered during employee evaluations. The HR department also correctly ascertains the working hours of supervisors and holds training on time management techniques.
Does the ID Group offer a substantial leave system?
In addition to paid leave that is granted every year, we also offer continuous leave (three days) and volunteer leave. We urge our employees to use these types of leave to reinvigorate themselves and to engage in external activities and contribution activities.
Is it easy to take a leave?
Employees are given 10 days of paid leave in the first year of joining the ID Group. Up to 20 days of paid leave are given depending on the year. Paid leave can also be used in half-day units. The rate of uptake of paid leave at the ID Group is 86.0% (results for fiscal 2022). We also provide three days of special leave, congratulation/condolence leave, and systems for volunteer leave. The ID Group promotes work-life balance and has established an environment in which it is easy to take leave.


What kind of training is undergone when joining the ID Group?
After conducting business training for the purpose of fostering awareness and acquiring manners necessary to be a working member of society, we plan to hold basic IT technical training for all new employees. On-the-job training will be held after joining your actual workplace.
Your training system seems very thorough—what kinds of courses are offered?
Broadly speaking, we hold “training to grow as a member of an organization” and “training to improve technical skills.” Our courses use two types of training methods: “group training” and “e-learning.” Overall, there are many training items and a wide variety of training courses. Examples include preparation for the National Examination for Information Processing Technicians , financial knowledge, management skills, and language learning. Please use the training system effectively according to your personal growth and goals.

Allowances and Systems

Is housing allowance provided?
The ID Group does not provide a housing allowance. However, we do offer dormitories for single (not married) employees (both male and female). Our dormitories are located in Tokyo and its subsidiaries. Conditions for living in the dormitory are as follows:
  1. New recruits who are single and have a commute of two hours or more.
  2. Single employees who work in shifts and want to live in the dormitory.
  3. Employees below the age of 30./li>
Do you offer a maternity leave system or childcare leave system?
Yes, we offer both systems. The ID Group has acquired the Kurumin Certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as proof that we meet certification criteria as defined by the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. Currently, many female employees are using maternity leave and childcare leave. Male employees can also use this leave. As a company, the ID Group is fulfilling our CSR (corporate social responsibility) by actively participating in countermeasures against the falling birthrate. Going forward, our entire company will devise systems and initiatives to create a comfortable workplace for our employees.