<strong>The ID Group in Numbers</strong> The ID Group in Numbers 1

The ID Group in Numbers

Thanks to our long history in the IT industry, the ID Group possesses a wide range of data. This section uses numbers to unravel the secrets behind the ID Group’s appeal and comfortable working environment.

  • Number of group employees

    Number of group employees

    (As of March, 2024)

  • Average number of years of service

    Average number of years of service

    (As of March, 2024)

  • Rate of uptake of paid leave

    Rate of uptake of paid leave

    (As of March, 2024)

  • Average hours of overtime

    Average hours of overtime

    (As of March, 2024)

    The industry average is approximately 19 hours. We have been able to reduce hours of overtime work by improving factors such as work efficiency.

  • Ratio of employees with humanities/science backgrounds

    Ratio of employees with humanities/science backgrounds

    (As of April, 2024)

    The level of IT knowledge held by new employees is not an issue when joining the ID Group. Therefore, many people with a humanities background who are interested in the IT industry join our company. Another reason for joining the ID Company is the extensive training we provide after joining.

  • Types of training available

    Over 1,226 type
    Types of training available

    (April 2024 results)

    We provide training to help our employees acquire certification, so our employees are sure to acquire solid skills.

    Training expenses per person

    Training expenses per person

    (2022 results)

  • Ratio of female managers

    Ratio of female managers

    (As of March, 2024)

  • Ratio of foreign employees

    Ratio of foreign employees

    (As of March, 2024)

    The ratio of global human resources at the ID Group is constantly increasing. This stimulates Japanese employees and creates an environment of mutual improvement.

  • Rate of uptake of childcare leave

    Rate of uptake of childcare leave

    (2023 results)

    The rate of women taking childcare leave is 100%. We will continue to promote an increase in this rate, regardless of gender.